© Safe and Secure Skies
3S provides AVSEC training programmes for personnel responsible for implementing security measures within an airport/airline based on the latest ICAO and EC regulations and policies.
Aviation Security System designed for selected staff at any level within the airline/airport that must have a sound knowledge of security measures.
AVSEC for the flight deck and cabin crew. The provisions of ICAO Annex 17 and Annex 6 will be thoroughly presented including the current AVSEC environment and the limitations of legal measures for handling acts of unlawful interference with civil aviation occurred in-flight.
AVSEC management designed for selected staff at supervisory or management level who have tasks in the implementation of security measures or required to be aware of such measures
Essentials for Quality Control in aviation security
This program is developed to enable participants to acquire the necessary basic knowledge and skills so that they will be able to carry out tasks and responsibilities related to aviation security quality control activities. The focus is set on:
The understanding the need for and the responsibility of developing a quality control system in the AVSEC;
The understanding the relationship between quality control activities and measures and the current threats to civil aviation;
The understanding the quality concept, its costs and its challenges.
The understanding of specific skills and methods
Civil aviation international legal instruments
This training program presents the history and the legal interpretation of the international conventions on civil aviation tailored on the area of expertise of the participants (airport staff, flight and cabin crew, airline/airport management). Legal and regulatory aspects of international civil aviation in its policy setting as well as the meaning and initial aim of these instruments will be explained. Aspects of the programme content are:
-The Convention on international civil aviation, Chicago 1944
-The Rome Convention on Damage Caused by Foreign Aircraft to Third Parties on the - Surface, 1952
-The Convention on Offences and Certain Other Acts Committed On Board Aircraft, Tokyo, 1963
-The Convention for the suppression of unlawful seizure of aircraft, Hague 1970
-The Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Civil Aviation, Montreal 1971
-The Convention on the marking of plastic explosives for the purpose of detection, Montreal 1988
-The Convention for the unification of certain rules relating to international carriage by air, Warsaw 1929
-The Convention for the unification of certain rules for the international carriage by air, Montreal 1999
-The Convention on the suppression of unlawful acts relating to international civil aviation, Beijing 2010 (not yet in force)
-Legality of subsidies in air transport
-Competition and The Open Skies
IN-FLIGHT legislation seminar
Incidents involving unruly passengers have continued to rise, yet jurisdictional issues often prevent perpetrators being prosecuted. This seminar sets out the existing international legal framework for handling acts of unlawful interference against civil aviation and analyses their limited application, the need for international review and what steps ought to be taken by aircrew in the light of current limitations.
3S will also provide examples to best illustrate regulatory problems or compliance issues.
3S can help you achieve success in gaining EU funding
With solid background on the EU planning procedures, 3S provides services to private and public organisations and SMSs from designing to managing successful EU-funded projects and tenders.
3S consultancy services are set to answering the followings:
What are the main EU-funding schemes?
How can one apply for an EU grant?
How can a private or a public organisation answer to an EU call for proposal?
How can SMEs receive funds from the EU for their ideas?
From idea to project...
...3S will evaluate and assess your idea and identify the most appropriate funding EU programmes.
...3S will help you draft you application and assist with formalities to respond to the calls for proposals by the European Commission and the organisation of a partnership/consortia.
...3S will assist in building your project and will facilitate the communication with the European institutions.
...3S will suggest solutions to any problems encountered in managing your project and if requested, assist with negotiations in order to obtain the best funding deal.
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